Result – N-Yorkshire Evening RR League 5

Steve Ward winner of round 5 in the North Yorkshire Evening Road Race League at North Duffield on Thursday

RST Cycle  Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Result – N-Yorkshire Evening RR League 5
(thanks to Julie Rodman)

NOTE: Send your results as well as club, team & event news here

Result – N-Yorkshire Evening RR League 5

Well it was an interesting calm summers night when the riders were escorted to the start from  North Duffield village hall! It certainly had its dramas ahead.

On a very flat course with a few chicanes and blind corners, villages with double parked cars it’s was certainly a race to be sharp in.

The third and fourth cat riders wouldn’t let anyone break away and were going along quite nicely in large group of 59 starters.

Then we started having riders pull out with mechanical problems, a few at first, then a couple each lap, despite the popularity of the Tour de France coming to Yorkshire, someone obviously thought differently by putting down drawing pins! Not a very sporting gesture I’m afraid. Resulting in eight withdrawls due to punctures.

This didn’t spoil some good aggressive riding and everyone aiming for a bunch sprint, with the sprinters nicely ensconced in the bunch near the front. However a few decided to ride dangerously and the race was stopped with a lap to go, to warn the riders of safe riding especially through the bends and onto on coming vehicles.

Race resumed and the in form sprinter Steve Ward In gear Biemme catapulted from the bunch to take a well deserved win, followed by Paul Summers Chevin cycles and Michael Brown Birdwell whs.

A good finish, well patrolled by community traffic management, well organised by Gavin and his team from Clifton CC and York Cycleworks just a pity a few people spoilt the race with bad sportsmanship and poor riding.

1. Steve Ward On gear Biemme.
2. Paul Summers Chevin cycles
3. Michael Brown Birdwell whs
4. Richard Kelt Ilkley cycles
5. James Harris Featherstone RC
6. Ben Oglesby Albarosa CC
7. Ricky Feather Feather cycles
8. John Savage Clifton CC
9. Nick Guest Albarosa CC
10 Martin Hinchcliffe Clifton CC

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