Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Everyone!

Thanks to the advertisers on VeloUK, and all our readers, 2011 has been a very successful year for the website serving the sport

Publisher Larry Hickmott writes…. Starting out again in April this year after leaving British Cycling who refused to listen to my cries to do more for the sport, was a little nerve wracking I can tell you.

Especially in the economic climate there is at the moment.  There were many of you who donated money to help me get started and provide the reassurance I needed that this would work. No guarantees mind but that’s life.  Then, businesses came on board to advertise to help me pay my bills and get to races and it’s all gone from there. Contributions of news, reports and pictures flowed in from those as passionate about the sport as I am and step-by-step, the website has continued to grow.

Special mention to Jim Hendry for his contribution of historic stats which is still being added to the website.  My thanks to the riders I met each week as well who have helped me bring a distinctly British flavour to the website. While the British racing scene may not be seen to be as ‘cool’ or commercially viable as covering the international races, it is packed with interesting races and riders. The success of VeloUK is proof, however niche it may be,  the British racing scene deserves a website like VeloUK to give it the respect it deserves.

It hasn’t been plain sailing. I had to move house during the year and thank my girl Patricia for keeping the faith and venturing out with me to races during the year.  Then my poor old car died and the replacement was far from any good but hopefully now is sorted and ready for a big year of traveling the country.

Next year will be even bigger with so much going on in Britain and with many of the advertisers having agreed to continue their support for VeloUK, we’ll be back bringing you the latest features, reports, results and more.  I’ll also be doing some freelance work to also keep an income coming in for the website and thank everyone who is helping me with that.

The number of visitors continues to increase (5,000 a day) which shows I must be doing something right but I’m not about to think I know what’s best for you and so encourage feedback on things readers would like to see.  Back in March, it was a case of having a go and if VeloUK was a success, great, if not, at least I was going to go out enjoying what I do.

Thankfully, VeloUK is a success thanks to you the readers who provide the figures which encourage me to work harder and the advertisers who are as passionate about the sport as I am and are supporting VeloUK because of their love of cycling.

So, a big thank you to each and everyone of my advertisers and the same to those who visit the website. Have a fantastic Christmas and New Year!
