Crit Result: West Thames Tuesday League Rd 9

Felipe Cunha, Monte Guerrini, Carly Gilson & Brendon Stead winners at round 9 of the West Thames Tuesday League on June 11 (Hillingdon)

Crit Result: West Thames Tuesday League Rd 9

1. Brendon Stead, Twickenham CC
2. Shaun Keppler, LC Race Team
3. Markus Revermann, London Dynamo
4. Dmytro Petrov, Watford Velo Sport
5. Lukas Gross, London Dynamo
6. Cameron Crook, Thame Cycles Race Team
7. Matthew Schaffer
8. Harry Jenner, Waldy Wheelers
9. Daniel Purkiss, Wolfox x Pedal Mafia RT
10. Milo Purvis, Paceline RT
11. Jack Samways, Watford Velo Sport
12. Adam La Roche, VCGH

1. Monte Guerrini, LC Race Team
2. Craig Cole
3. Toby Langstone, LC Race Team
4. Lance Childs, Taap Kalas
5. Gavin Howell, Ride Revolution Coaching
6. Edmund Slater, GFTL
7. Stanley Kent, Saxun-Extrusax-Primoti
8. Sean Lancaric, LC Race Team
9. Michal Borkowski, Knights London
10. Bob McGlue, Ride Revolution Coaching
11. James Buchanan, Balham Cycling Club
12. Alan Wylie, Amersham Road Cycling Club

3/4 Womens race
1. Carly Gilson, Islington Cycling Club
2. Elektra Georgiakakis, FTP Fusion
3. Philippa Mitchell, London Dynamo
4. Sofia Allueva Yuste, Islington Cycling Club
5. Chien-Yu Liu, LDN – WMN
6. Charlotte Harwood, VCGH
7. Emma Pike, London Dynamo
8. Lavinia Chiodi Daelli, LDN – WMN
9. Ellen Rham, Assos UK Racing Team
10. Eleanor Cousins, London Dynamo
11. Diana Kovacheva, London Dynamo
12. Alexandra Peralta, Femme Fidem Cycling Club

4th Cat only
1. Felipe Cunha, CGC
2. Michael Montgomery, London Dynamo
3. Matt Curtis
4. Alex Carl-Maddox, Waldy Wheelers
5. David Yeung,
6. Samuel Cordner, Islington Cycling Club
7. Flavio Pisciotti, Paceline RT
8. Devin Sells, Forge London Cycling Club
9. Dharmesh Patel, Kenton RC
10. Shehzad Khalic
11. Robert Dooley, Islington Cycling Club
12. James Twidale, Paceline RT


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