Q&A: Abbie Dentus (Brother UK–Tifosi)

A silver medallist at the European Championships as well as multiple podiums on the road in 2018, Abbie Dentus will ride in the Brother UK – Tifosi p/b On-Form racing team in 2019

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Q&A: Abbie Dentus (Brother UK–Tifosi)

A silver medallist at the European Championships as well as multiple podiums on the road in 2018, Abbie Dentus will ride in the Brother UK – Tifosi p/b On-Form racing team in 2019

VeloUK: How did you get into the sport of cycling?
Abbie: Through my dad racing, I went to watch him and joined my local club Hillingdon Slipstreamers.

VeloUK: Full time rider, student or working?
Abbie: Part time job

VeloUK: Best result for you in 2018?
Abbie: Silver medal at the European Champs

VeloUK: Best organised/fun race you did in 2018?
Abbie: Dave Creasy Memorial 6

VeloUK: Toughest race of 2018?
Abbie: Tour De Yorkshire

VeloUK: Funniest moment in a race in 2018?
Abbie: When we won the overall at the Tour Series and Rhona Callander couldn’t open the bottle of champagne
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VeloUK: Do you train alone or have others to help you get through the ride?
Abbie: Both, mainly the guys from down south on pro teams help me get through rides

VeloUK: In the winter, training on the road or indoors?
Abbie: Both, unless icy when I go on the turbo

VeloUK: How many hours on the bike can you fit in during an average winter training week?
Abbie: 10 hours

VeloUK: Is there any off the bike training (running/swimming/gym etc)?
Abbie: Gym

VeloUK: Do you train with any gadgets (Heart rate/power) or just go on ‘feel’ of the ride?
Abbie: I train with Heart rate and a power meter

VeloUK: Are you eager to race again or happy to wait for the first to come along in 2019?
Abbie: I’m eager to race again, as my next race is in Jan.
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VeloUK: Are you doing anything different in training this winter than last one?
Abbie: A lot more structured and well planned training to suit my goals

VeloUK: Which races are you looking forward to most in 2019;
Abbie: Tour de Yorkshire, Six day Track racing, all of the Belgium races, Nationals Track and road.

VeloUK: Favourite pre race meal?
Abbie: If it is a morning race I like porridge with Nutella

VeloUK: Favourite race drink?
Abbie: SiS Hydro tabs or sis electrolyte

VeloUK: Best one thing you learned about racing in 2018?
Abbie: Eating and drinking is very important

VeloUK: Favourite professional to watch on tele (male or female) and favourite race(s) you like to watch and inspire you?
Abbie: Kirstin Wild on the track and Marianne Vos. The Olympics and World Championships


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