Quiz Time: James Hartley heading to France

James Hartley, a former Cycling Sheffield rider, is embarking on an adventure in France and gives us insights into his racing in 2024 and why he’s making the move to France like so many other British riders including his brother Jack areĀ 

Quiz Time: James Hartley heading to France

James writes “I started properly racing my bike after lockdown in 2019 and have always been based in Sheffield, “The Outdoor City” as it is affectionately called, very apt for someone like me as I (inevitably) love being outside.

When asked what it meant to race for a former rider in Dave Coulson, someone I saw racing Prems many years ago, James replied “I’m sure you and Dave go way back! It was obviously very important to me though. I didn’t realise it at the time, especially in my first year with the team, just how valuable Dave was and still is!”

Asked when did James come up with the idea to race in France, he says “I think maybe half way through my second season with Dave, he sort of planted the seed with regards to going to France as during that year, I did my first stage race in France. The main reason was just that simply put, the racing is SO much better, in every possible way. I noticed, and I’m sure other riders who have ridden and raced abroad have too, that there is a palpable cultural difference between cycling and racing in the UK compared to most of Europe.”

“Cycling is a sport that is accepted and not frowned upon. For instance, closing a road for a bike race for example is perhaps encouraged! I also know that the opportunities for me to progress in what could be considered my career are much more limited in the UK, whereas the opportunities here in France are pretty much a “take your pick”. A no brainer that if I can race my bike and get more out of it somewhere else, why would I not exploit that?”

On the subject of when James expects his season to start in 2025 in France, he says “the season starts in France properly in mid Feb. There’s a period of time in early Feb where there’s some training races in the south that are apparently nails. Should be exciting!”

Going abroad to race in a country where the language and culture is different can present challenges to young riders making that move. “There will definitely be some challenges” says James. “As with most things in life, maybe finding things to do OTHER than bike racing/riding, which I feel quite privileged to say. Jack and I aren’t good at sitting still, Jack struggles more so than me so maybe I’ll ask him what he plans on doing to keep himself occupied. No doubt he’ll be cutting some wood or something, after all, wood won’t cut itself will it LoL 😂😂😂”

Going to a new team to race for means a new racing programme far different to what James would be doing in Britain. “Bricquebecs’ calendar so far is still fairly loose” James explains, “and the big races like Tour of Alsace are yet to be confirmed. Going to that race and getting a big win there would be quite nice I think. I of course, want to excel in the Coupe De France races and I am really looking forward to testing the legs at those after having heard just how hard they are to win.”

James brother Jack, winner of the Eddie Soens classic among other races, is also heading to France. “Little bro Jack is going to be based in Troyes just east of Paris so we have gone through quite the change from living together to now being six hours apart. I think he can manage on his own though. In all fairness, I will struggle without him more so than him without me. Jack is always really helpful with helping me sort pretty much anything out, bike or admin related, cheers bro. I think we will see each other at races so that’s a positive”.

Throwing back to the 2024 season, I asked James what was the toughest race in 2024 – here in Britain or abroad? “Estivalle Bretton was a pretty tough race” says James. “A late season stage race in France that was quite punchy and all to play for on every stage given the lack of a TT which meant the GC race was fairly close. I prefer that kind of stage race as TT’s usually end up deciding my GC hopes for me haha – another challenge I can face this season Larry!”

And his best performance in 2024? “I think my National Champs result is my proudest result of 2024, a race where something just clicked for me and I feel was the first time I raced my bike as Dave had been guiding me on how to do that. He seems to know a fair bit about bike racing surprisingly LoL!”

Having raced and having many people help me, I asked James who have been key to helping him during his racing years. “There are many key people who helped me. My Mum and my Dad have both been exceptionally supportive of me, with my Mum running me and Jack all over the country most weekends and Dad having driven me here (France), and that’s such a small part of how they support me. I feel overwhelmed and grateful to them for giving up their time for me, I am very fortunate. My coach of course, and Dave. My mates of The YBC too, who always provide morale, which is such an important part of success.”

To prepare for racing in France, James says his winter training hasn’t changed at all. “I know what works for me and I like to stick to that” he says finally.

Good luck to both James and his brother Jack racing abroad in France. James admits the positive vibes are certainly growing! “I just love racing my bike and seriously can not wait to get going. I welcome all adventure and this is just the start!”

Ta James, always a pleasure to chat at races and by email too 😂

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