Crit Result: CDPP Sport Crit Series 8

Matthew Webster and Bill Preston winners at week 8 of the CDPP Sport Crit Series in Lancashire on June 6

Crit Result: CDPP Sport Crit Series 8

1. Matthew Webster, Loughborough Students CC
2. Mark Berry, Rossendale RC
3. Daniel Hepton, Team Judge Tyrekey
4. Matthew Bulmer, Paceline Cycles North
5. Kevin Moore, Paceline Cycles North
6. Thomas Hepton, Team Judge Tyrekey
7. Tim Worthington, Venture Racing
8. Aidan Holgate, The Green Jersey CC
9. David Haygarth, Wheelbase CabTech Castelli
10. Owen Thompson, Paul Milnes – Bradford Olympic…
11. Tim Riley, Horwich CC

Cat 3/4
1. Bill Preston, The Green Jersey CC
2. Robin Godden, Hope Factory Racing
3. Stephen Bolton, Giant Kendal-Sidas Uk
4. John Bolton, Chorley Cycling Club
5. Sonny Miles-Currey
6. Tim Riley, Horwich CC
7. David Haygarth, Wheelbase CabTech Castelli
8. Ross Hamilton,
9. Ashley Reynolds, Valley Striders CC
10. Stuart Williamson, Chorley Cycling Club
11. Nicholas Pilling, Hope Tech Factory Racing
12. Sophie Thackray, DAS-Hutchinson-Brother UK


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