Crit Result: Portsmouth Evening Circuits 2

Hamish Hunter and Nathan Wilson winners at week 2 of the Portsmouth Evening Circuits on Wednesday, April 3

Crit Result: Portsmouth Evening Circuits 2

3rd Cat only
1. Hamish Hunter, Velo Club Venta
2. Mak Larkin, trainSharp Development Team
3. Elliot Barratt
4. Jonty King, Wolfox x Pedal Mafia RT
5. Ross Ovens, VCGH
6. Andrew Jenner, Testa Dura Race Team
7. Steven Nicholson, Portsmouth North End CC
8. Matt Lambourne, LIOS Bikes
9. Lewis Wilson, Reading CC
10. Alastair Weinberg, Brighton Mitre CC
11. Emma Harrison, Sotonia CC

1. Nathan Wilson, Ride Revolution Coaching
2. Bobby Buenfeld, Velo Club Venta
3. Hamish Hunter, Velo Club Venta
4. Fergus Phelan, University of Bath Cycling Clu…
5. Fletcher Adams, Nova Race Team
6. Danny Hedley, Royal Air Force CA
7. Tom Smith, Velo Club Venta
8. Ethan Walsh, 05-Mar
9. Frank Kilsby, TAAP Kalas
10. Russell Speight, Wolfox x Pedal Mafia RT
11. David Bolton, Testa Dura Race Team

U8 Boys & Girls
1 Martha Kiddell Poole Wheelers CC

U12 Boys & Girls
1 George Kiddell Poole Wheelers CC

1 Emil Lindstrom-Fabik Solent Pirates

SAT 6th APRIL CIRCUIT RACING FOR ALL CATEGORIES SEN / WOMEN YOUTHS + TT & circuit training for women & novice Men
SAT 27th APRIL CIRCUIT RACING FOR 4th cat Men / 4th cat women / 234 WOMEN / 3RD CAT MEN
SAT 27th APRIL PORTSMOUTH OPEN TRACK: a counter for the BC Hard Track Endurance with track racing on Road bikes for the U12/10/8

PORTSMOUTH EVENING CIRCUITS: Weds 3rd / 10th & 17th April 2024
Youths from 6pm 3rd Cats (Men & Women) From 7pm E123W from 7.30pm


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