BMCR Q&A – Lesley Wilkinson

It’s time for another Q&A with one of the athletes. Welcome 2023 National Masters Gravel Champ – Lesley Wilkinson.

BMCR Q&A – Lesley Wilkinson 
by Toks Adesanya

It’s time for another Q&A with one of the athletes. Welcome 2023 National Masters Gravel Champ – Lesley Wilkinson.

Toks: Lesley, we’re not allowed to ask about your age of course so instead can you let us know how many laps you’ve done around the sun?😉 
Lesley: 62

Toks: Have you always been competitive?
Lesley: Yes, I used to run cross country competitively from 8 years old.

Toks: Did you also start bike racing as a kid?
Lesley: No, that started when I joined Addiscombe CC in 2011. I tried time trials and circuit races, but always my heart was off road.

Toks: So you much prefer crunching tiny stones and squelching mud to the din of deep sections on asphalt?
Lesley: Yes – Gravel, Cyclocross or MTB; I love the mud. Love the technical aspects, figuring out best line etc. Brain always on the go

Toks: What’s it been like mostly racing against blokes?
Lesley: Always loved racing against the guys. When I started cyclocross, Vet40 men went first. Ladies all ages a minute or so later. And V50 men behind us. It was a great learning experience. The best of the V50 men would come past, I would watch their lines and try and keep up for as long as I could. In time, the race leaders of the V40 would come through. Again fabulous learning experience. Eventually I would catch up the back of the male field.

Toks: Do you have a coach?
Lesley: No

Toks: How often are you out on your bike per week ?
Lesley: Four days

Toks: What does your winter training regime look like?
— 1 x long mtb 4-6 hours
— 1 x cx race
— 1 x 3 hour ride road or off road
— 1 x Short off road, skills or hills session
— 2 x weights
— 1 x run

Toks: Do you ever diet to get in shape for racing
Lesley: No – My body needs good wholesome food and avoiding junk

Toks: Tell us about your 2023 season.
Lesley: It started with Dirty Riever followed by The Gralloch. Great races both of them. Qualified for Worlds gravel race in Italy which was a fantastic experience. Fourth in the Vet Women’s 60. Again learnt a lot. Would definitely take someone to hand up a bottle if I did it again. Carrying 3 litres of water in a Camelback was a disadvantage!

– Kings Cup Gravel: 1st Vet Woman 40
– London cyclocross: League 1st Vet Woman 60
– BMCR: Mountain bike Second Vet Woman 40

Toks: Chapeau, that’s a pretty impressive 2023. You do a lot of events and clearly love racing
Lesley: Yep, Love it. I think let’s make the most of our health whilst we can.

Toks: Do have any favourite BMCR events?
Lesley: MTB – Looking forward to more off road next season

Toks: Back to your training – do you use a powermeter, HRM or perceived exertion?
Lesley: Ride to feel

Toks: Are you a fan of Zwift?
Lesley: No

Toks: What’s your favourite place to ride?
Lesley: Surrey hills

Toks: Do you know your FTP?
Lesley: No

Toks: How about Your Watts Per kilo?
Lesley: 3.2

Toks: What’s your personal race philosophy?
Lesley: To always try my best, always learn something and always enjoy.

Toks: Who first inspired you to race?
Lesley: A teacher at primary school. I’ve always been sporty. Running and 25 years of martial arts

Toks: What’s your favourite pro race?
Lesley: Love the Tour. Especially last year! Amazing

Toks: I know you ride in Majorca quite a bit. Which would you choose between Majorca, Alps or Pyrenees?
Lesley: Pyrenees

Toks: When racing, what’s your go for fuel – Gels or food?
Lesley: Food every time

Toks: What advice would you give particularly to ladies thinking about racing?
Lesley: Just do it. Doesn’t matter where you come. Enjoy it. You will learn loads and you dont know what you can achieve unless you try

Toks: Finish the sentence! – My love of cycling originally came from…
Lesley: …the desire to do something with my teenage son. I brought 2 mountain bikes and we were hooked. Sometimes he would be grumpy on the way out but generally after the first descent, we would be laughing or chatting. Especially if he rode over the iced over puddle and I cracked it and got wet! We had great fun camping with bikes and developed a close bond.

In 2015 after the death of my parents and entering menopause, three children still at home, two back from university and one about to go, I decided they were not going to move out anytime soon and thought maybe I should do that to give them some responsibility for changing light bulbs etc. I was wondering what would I regret in my life not doing and I wondered how far I could ride on my bike. I departed in June 2016 and headed for Africa via Europe. 20 months later, I came home from the Ugandan/Rwandan border.

Amazing – thanks so much Lesley. I hope you have more podiums in 2024 🎄🎄

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