Event News: Entries Needed for West Midland’s Events

Entries needed for upcoming road races in the West Midlands including next two rounds of West Midlands Road Race League (Phil Ward Memorial and Halesowen road race).

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Event News: Entries Needed for West Midland’s Events

PLEASE HELP VELOUK SERVE THE SPORT OF CYCLING – THANK YOU (thanks to Sheldon, Anthony, Linda, Matthew, Nicola, Emma, John, Sue, Paul, Christopher, Stephen, Linda (again!)  and Mick for their donations. It all helps keep me on the road).  

THE Phil Ward Memorial race on May 7 is open to 2/3/4 categories, it is on a rolling course near Telford with no significant climbs that offers a chance to riders of all types. It is also the fourth round of the West Midlands road race league which runs until September; this has recently received significant sponsorship and will offer prizes to the top six riders.

Entry to this race is open until Sunday April 23 and it can be entered here https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/events/details/279442/Phil-Ward-Paramount-Spring-Road-Race

THE Halesowen road race, fifth round of the WMRRL on May 21, is a long-established race, with previous winners including current EF Education professional Ben Healy. It takes place on the punchy Astley course, with two short climbs and a technical descent ensuring a worthy winner. Entry to this race is now open here: https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/events/details/276495/Halesowen-ACC-Mens-Road-Race

The West Midlands handicap series takes place on nine Thursday evenings from May 12. The races see riders seeded according to ability and starting in several different groups. These events offer the perfect opportunity for riders who are relatively new to the sport to hone their skills. Series entry offers a significant discount and is available here:




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