News: Saint Ives CC Development Squad

Saint Ives Cycling Club is looking for riders for their new Development Squad

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News: Saint Ives CC Development Squad

PLEASE HELP VELOUK SERVE THE SPORT OF CYCLING – THANK YOU (thanks to Sheldon, Anthony, Linda, Matthew, Nicola, Emma, John, Sue and Paul for their donations. It all helps keep me on the road).  .  

Saint Ives Cycling Club is looking for riders for their new Development Squad

SICC is excited to announce the formation of its Development Squad. Our aims are to create a team environment in which we are able to support young riders in the Youth, Junior and U23 age groups in achieving their full racing potential. There’s a lack of clubs in the eastern region that offer any support for riders moving up from the Go-Ride system as well as little support for those moving up to the U23 level. We aim to provide just that.

We are looking for motivated riders from the region who want to race at all levels and are committed to achieving their full potential. The focus is primarily on road racing but we will encourage team riders to take part other disciplines.

We are offering:
• Assistance getting to races,
• Support and mentoring at races,
• Regular Saturday team rides and midweek time trial and group riding practice,
• Loan of club kit as required and as available,
• Advice and coaching on subjects such as:
• races to target,
• equipment,
• race tactics; and
• developing skills such as taking bottles etc.
• Team Kit.

Our team of volunteers have strong experience from years of racing and as parents guiding Youth and Juniors in the UK and Europe. If you are currently a Youth, Junior or new U23 rider who wants to race and train in a strong team environment, please get in contact by sending us an email at telling us about your cycling, racing experience, your current training and what motivates you. If you are under 18, please also provide contact details for a parent or guardian.



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