News: Big Plans for Saint Piran Teams

Saint Piran team looking for sponsors/supporters to accommodate their riders from overseas.

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News: Big Plans for Saint Piran Teams

Foreign riders looking to ride for Saint Piran – Sponsors wanted to provide accommodation for them


The Saint Piran team are already providing accommodation for their Australian Cooper Sayers and are planning to bring more Aussie riders to Britain to race for their UCI teams. In 2024, the team have the Old Bank in Redruth as an accommodation project as well.  More on this here:

The old bank in Redruth bank is set to become a cycle hub when the former bank will become a headquarters for Saint Piran Cyling CIC. The team’s owner Ricci Pascoe hopes the building will become a centre for promoting the network of on and off-road cycle routes and trails in Cornwall …

Accommodating overseas riders however is a big challenge for the team as well as Ricci explained. “We have just received two requests for women riders to come to UK and ride for Saint Piran women’s race team. This is part of our aim to be a women’s UCI team in 2024. I never thought that at Saint Piran we would be asking our partners, sponsors and investors to think about accommodating an overseas rider so early in the woman’s team development”.

“Whilst the men’s team already have Cooper Sayers from Australia living in Redruth (Cornwall) and riding for the mens team, we now have a request from a national champion in a South American country to come and race for the women’s team. This rider does road, time trial and mountain biking and wants to come and live in Europe to compete and has asked to join Saint Piran. This is a new landscape for us”.

If anyone out there in the cycling community has any ideas or suggestions as to how the Saint Piran team can facilitate this, they would love to hear from you

The South American quite simply needs her accommodation and living expenses covered and is prepared to represent the company or organisation in return.


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