Q&A: Ellen Barker (Team On Form, U23)

Question time again, this time with under 23 rider Ellen Barker who’s best result in 2018 was 7th in the National Road Championships (junior Women)

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Q&A: Ellen Barker (Team On Form, U23)

VeloUK: How did you get into the sport of cycling?
Ellen: I had sold all my horses because I had exams and they were too much work, so I needed a new way of exercising so my parents bought me a bike.

VeloUK: Full time rider, student or working?
Ellen: I am a full time rider. I have just finished A-Levels and I have a part time job in a restaurant as a waitress

VeloUK: Best result for you in 2018?
Ellen: Probably 7th in National champs (junior women)

VeloUK: Best organised/fun race you did in 2018?
Ellen: The Ras Na Mban in Ireland. It was really fun and interesting and also organised very well

VeloUK: Toughest race of 2018?
Ellen: Cicle classic for sure, I found that really tough

VeloUK: Best moment in a race or funniest moment in a race in 2018?
Ellen: Going off the front in the National Scratch Race championship. Because of my lack of track experience, I didn’t really know what I was doing and just thought I would give it a go. I was unsuccessful however.

VeloUK: Do you train alone or have others to help you get through the ride?
Ellen: I am lucky enough to usually train with others, unless I have specific efforts, then I will ride solo.
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VeloUK: In the winter, training on the road or indoors?
Ellen: 100% road! As much as I love my shiny new turbo, sitting in a small room with a pool of sweat below you will never be as good as actually getting out and riding.

VeloUK: How many hours on the bike can you fit in during an average winter training week?
Ellen: I am moving to Mallorca for two months so I am hoping to do a few long weeks, average maybe 14-16

VeloUK: Is there any off the bike training (running/swimming/gym etc)?
Ellen: Yes, recently I’ve been going to the gym twice a week

VeloUK: Do you train with any gadgets (Heart rate/power) or just go on ‘feel’ of the ride?
Ellen: Yes, I train with heart rate and power. However on bad days, I try not to analyse my power too much ;-)

VeloUK: Are you eager to race again or happy to wait for the first to come along in 2019?
Ellen: I am eager to race again but not in this cold weather, I hate ice!

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VeloUK: Are you doing anything different in training this winter than last one?
Ellen: I’m not really doing anything different, just doing more riding and more frequently.

VeloUK: Which races are you looking forward to most in 2019
Ellen: I am looking forward to Lincoln GP, Ras na Mban and to tackle the Cicle classic again.

VeloUK: Favourite pre race meal?
Ellen: Tuna pasta

VeloUK: Favourite race drink?
Ellen: Sis hydro tabs

VeloUK: Best one thing you learned about racing in 2018?
Ellen: Believe in yourself, and have faith in your legs

VeloUK: Favourite professional to watch on tele (male or female) 
Ellen: Marianne Vos


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