Q & A: Sophie Lewis (Cycle Team OnForm)

Under 16 rider Sophie Lewis who will be part of the of team OnForm team in 2019 – the young GB rider has sent her Q & A back for us to share with you …

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Q & A: Sophie Lewis (Cycle Team OnForm)

1. How did you get into the sport of cycling?
Sophie: Through joining the village cycle club with some friends.

2. Full time rider, student or working?
Sophie: Student

3. Best result for you in 2018?
Sophie: National Madison Champion and second on a stage of the European Youth Cycling Tour Assen.

4. Best organised/fun race you did in 2018?
Sophie: London Nocturne

5. Toughest race of 2018?
Sophie: The classic stage at the European Youth Cycling Tour Assen.

6. Best moment in a race or funniest moment in a race in 2018?
Sophie: When my friend did not tighten her bars up so they tilted up part way through a race.

7. Do you train alone or have others to help you get through the ride?
Sophie: A multitude of both
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8. In the winter, training on the road or indoors?
Sophie: Weekdays indoors and weekends outdoors.

9. How many hours on the bike can you fit in during an average winter training week?
Sophie: Roughly 12 hours

10. Is there any off the bike training (running/swimming/gym etc)?
Sophie: Two gym sessions a week

11. Do you train with any gadgets (Heart rate/power) or just go on ‘feel’ of the ride?
Sophie: Heart rate monitor and Garmin.

12. Are you eager to race again or happy to wait for the first to come along in 2019?
Sophie: Eager to race again.

14. Are you doing anything different in training this winter than last one?
Sophie: Training load has increased

15. Which races are you looking forward to most in 2019
Sophie: Internationals with the GB team and the London Nocturne

16. Favourite pre race meal?
Sophie: Sweet chilli and lemongrass rice with tuna or chicken.

17. Favourite race drink?
Sophie: Water

18. Best one thing you learned about racing in 2018?
Sophie: You do need a break sometimes.

19. Favourite professional to watch on tele (male or female) and favourite race(s) you like to watch and inspire you?
Sophie: Laura Kenny and the omnium.



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