Result: Hillingdon Tuesday Night League

Lawrence Carpenter of Ribble Cycling, Thomas Saminaden and Simon Holroyd winners at the Hillingdon Tuesday Night League (May 8)

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Result: Hillingdon Tuesday Night League

1 Lawrence Carpenter Ribble Cycling
2 Germain Burton JLT Condor
3 Lewis Atkins TAAP Cervelo
4 Ryan Chritensen
5 Matthew Webster Flamme Rouge Cycling Team
6 Thomas Booth Bryan Steel academy
7 Taylor Gunman
8 Jake Howes Full Gas Racing Team
9 George Gori Nuun-Sigma Sports-London
10 Kieran Blay TAAP Cervelo
11 Anthony Anderson Nuun-Sigma Sports-London
12 Kevin Argent Sigma Sport
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3rd Cat only
1 Thomas Saminaden Gregarios Superclub Ciclista
2 Ryan Palmer
3 Liam Barr University Of Portsmouth CC
4 Amir Eshtehardi Finsbury Park CC
5 Hugh Smith Woolwich CC
6 Gary Nugent Verulam –
7 Philip Hersey Eagle RC
8 Matthew Buckle Berkhamsted Cycling Club
9 George Day Shutt Ridley RT
10 Joe Staunton Wightlink,Wight Mountain CRT.
11 Hasnain Iqbal Brothers On Bikes
12 Peter Chapman Thames Velo

4th Cat only
1 Simon Holroyd London Baroudeurs
2 Neil Lawrie Thames Velo
3 Scott Mitchell
4 Luciano Brunette Watford Velo Sport
5 Michael Baudinet
6 Paul Ashman Recycles RCC
7 Angus Beaumont Paceline RT
8 Colin King Glendene CC
9 Christopher Eibich London Dynamo
10 Jack Morrish CC London
11 Rupert Greatwood
12 Jack Stevens London Dynamo




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