Rider Chat: Tom Moses (winner of the CiCLE Classic)

The only former winner of the CiCLE Classic on Sunday is Tom Moses of JLT Condor and we chatted out on the course about the race

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Rider Chat: Tom Moses (winner of the CiCLE Classic)

There I was, uploading material to social media and who should come out of Stapleford Park but the only former winner who will be racing the CiCLE Classic on Sunday – Tom Moses of JLT Condor. Of course, we had to chat and Tom agreed the sectors are looking a little smoother with not so many massive holes for the riders to fall into.

“I think it will be quite hard off Sawgate into a headwind so I think this sector, Stapleford Park, may well be the more deciding one as you’re straight into a tailwind afterwards on the main road. I reckon you could it go it alone from here but I think everyone will be smashing it through it here and it could be a fair little group at the finish.”

Looking back at last year, when the pictures I got were of Tom leading the front group through Stapleford Park, I asked what his memories were of that finale? “I got in the early break, like I did when I won the race, but last year it came back together through Melton Mowbray with only 25 or 30 riders left.”

Asked how the extra distance added to the race over the last few years affects the event, Tom replied “everyone was on their last legs before they made t longer and the extra distance just pushes a riders over the edge and is why you see the race breaking up into pieces because of all the tired legs out there.”

Tom (centre) after winning the race with Mark McNally and Tom Scully

Asked what his strategy is for the sectors, Tom explained “you are best maintaining position I think. You can smash it across the sectors but the race is still kind of together at the end so better to save yourself there and then on the road, press on and make your advantage.”

The CiCLE Classic is unique in Britain in that it has, this year, 36 teams, many six man, others four man. So how does that affect the race? “With that many teams, there is always someone to bring breaks back, because if a break goes of say eight riders, there will always be teams who missed it so there will be riders willing to chase it.”

“The way everyone rides into each sector, brings the race together and you may end up with a group of say 30 by the finish just because its been a fast day with riders fighting for every single sector to keep good position.”
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I know talking to riders that it is a race they want to win more than most. When I asked Tom this question, he says “it is special to win; it is one of the top ones in the UK, this and the Lincoln, Ryedale too. It’s one of the classic races in the UK now because of how unique it is”.

Tom’s teammates in JLT Condor on Sunday will be Ali Slater, Ollie Wood, Ed Clancy, Tom Stewart and Matt Gibson. Tom explained how multiple Olympic and World champion on the track, Ed Clancy is going really well on the road as is Matt Gibson when it comes to sprints.”

“Tom adds he doesn’t expect the team to be putting everything in to making sure the race comes down to a sprint. “It has ended up in a sprint in the past but it is risky to ride for that because we could ride for Matt and then he could puncture out of it on the last sector (7km from the finish).”

Which leaves the squad with multiple options and so many possible winners including Tom Stewart who had such an awesome ride at the Commonwealth Games, riding all day out front, so obviously has the legs to go the distance full gas. One thing is for sure with that line up, anyone of them, including Tom, could win the race but then no team would ever give JLT Condor ny room such is its record of victories over the years.

Good luck to Tom and his team, and thanks for the chat!






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