Results: Men’s BBAR Two Distance

The two distance Men’s BBAR (50 miles/100 miles) was won by Colin Ward from Kieron Davies and Liam Maybank

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Results: Men’s BBAR Two Distance

1   Colin Ward            01:37:41   03:21:07         30.272 Mph
2   Kieron Davies         01:37:20   03:23:48         30.131 Mph
3   Liam Maybank          01:38:31   03:23:40         29.956 Mph
4   Mark Nulty            01:38:54   03:27:54         29.597 Mph
5   Stephen Irwin         01:42:57   03:25:38         29.159 Mph
6   Philip Graves         01:39:37   03:34:31         29.043 Mph
7   Charles Taylor        01:41:23   03:31:05         29.008 Mph
8   Charles Mitchell      01:42:36   03:31:24         28.811 Mph
9   Christopher Fennell   01:41:37   03:34:49         28.727 Mph
10   Rob Pears            01:43:49   03:32:58         28.535 Mph
11   Gary Chambers        01:41:19   03:39:23         28.48 Mph
12   Matthew Charlton     01:47:23   03:32:00         28.12 Mph
13   John Samways         01:46:59   03:33:14         28.09 Mph
14   ian cox              01:46:46   03:37:11         27.863 Mph
15   Hadyn James          01:45:09   03:42:20         27.759 Mph
16   Andrew Meilak        01:47:14   03:38:04         27.745 Mph
17   Alan Chorley         01:44:02   03:46:13         27.68 Mph
18   Richard Gildea       01:44:38   03:45:17         27.652 Mph
19   Mark Flannery        01:46:24   03:41:25         27.647 Mph
20   David Procter        01:46:25   03:42:35         27.574 Mph
21   Nick Tarmey          01:47:30   03:40:37         27.552 Mph
22   Peter Greenwood      01:46:46   03:43:16         27.486 Mph
23   Matthew Hallam       01:48:01   03:42:24         27.376 Mph
24   Paul David Fleming   01:46:40   03:45:34         27.362 Mph
25   Tom Rigby            01:47:31   03:44:26         27.318 Mph
26   anthony jones        01:47:49   03:43:59         27.306 Mph
27   Julian Elliott       01:43:51   03:53:25         27.296 Mph
28   Christopher Gibbard  01:46:18   03:47:34         27.294 Mph
29   Paul Westwood        01:49:28   03:40:45         27.293 Mph
30   Tom Morris           01:46:20   03:47:34         27.29 Mph
31   Tom Thornely         01:47:26   03:45:26         27.27 Mph
32   Paul Lunn            01:50:03   03:40:11         27.255 Mph
33   Marc Townsend        01:45:42   03:49:43         27.251 Mph
34   Pete Morris          01:44:32   03:52:44         27.24 Mph
35   Nicholas Fennell     01:47:20   03:47:28         27.164 Mph
36   Luke Cornish         01:45:14   03:53:14         27.117 Mph
37   Graham Kemp          01:46:41   03:51:03         27.044 Mph
38   Miles Earl           01:48:09   03:48:49         26.981 Mph
39   Adam Wild            01:45:10   03:56:58         26.923 Mph
40   Julian Middlewick    01:50:32   03:45:40         26.864 Mph
41   Daniel Bloy          01:48:39   03:49:47         26.862 Mph
42   James Churchard      01:51:11   03:47:06         26.701 Mph
43   Dael Sidwell         01:51:54   03:45:50         26.689 Mph
44   Thomas Pfeiffer      01:52:37   03:45:42         26.611 Mph
45   Tony Cullen          01:49:36   03:53:16         26.547 Mph
46   matt burden          01:46:54   03:59:49         26.541 Mph
47   David Bucknall       01:49:56   03:54:34         26.434 Mph
48   Nic Pillinger        01:52:01   03:50:23         26.413 Mph
49   Philip Watts         01:49:06   03:57:39         26.372 Mph
50   Eddie Addis          01:50:10   03:57:48         26.231 Mph
51   Mark Sanders         01:51:22   03:56:37         26.148 Mph
52   Lee Buckman          01:52:11   03:55:04         26.133 Mph
53   philip bray          01:55:36   03:48:46         26.09 Mph
54   Daryl May            01:53:09   03:53:55         26.082 Mph
55   Ben Stancombe        01:54:04   03:52:18         26.065 Mph
56   Nick Wilson          01:52:41   03:55:21         26.059 Mph
57   Colin Parkinson      01:51:02   04:00:49         25.967 Mph
58   Geoff Reynolds       01:53:56   03:54:25         25.963 Mph
59   Huck Garip           01:54:23   03:54:37         25.901 Mph
60   Edward Nunn          01:53:04   03:57:41         25.888 Mph
60   Ken Platts           01:55:40   03:52:12         25.888 Mph
61   Howard Heighton      01:53:17   03:58:42         25.809 Mph
62   James Fritchley      01:56:15   03:52:34         25.803 Mph
63   Michael John Loughran01:54:20   03:56:57         25.78 Mph
64   Steven Fullerton     01:51:11   04:04:41         25.752 Mph
65   Simon Cox            01:51:05   04:06:04         25.695 Mph
66   Grant Arnold         01:52:53   04:02:07         25.679 Mph
67   Josh Griffiths       01:58:09   03:51:17         25.667 Mph
68   Richard Babbage      01:54:38   03:59:40         25.603 Mph
69   Graham Painter       01:57:38   03:53:27         25.602 Mph
70   Ben Boardman         01:52:00   04:05:52         25.595 Mph
71   dean ware            01:54:01   04:01:12         25.594 Mph
72   Chris Tye            01:55:19   03:58:30         25.586 Mph
73   Tony Chapman         01:47:19   04:18:57         25.563 Mph
74   Martin Winter        01:53:09   04:03:57         25.554 Mph
75   Joe Beech            01:51:41   04:07:34         25.549 Mph
76   Ian Holbrook         01:54:58   04:00:18         25.532 Mph
77   randle shenton       01:51:40   04:08:35         25.501 Mph
78   Lewis Eccleston      01:56:15   03:59:02         25.454 Mph
79   Andy Ashurst         01:52:20   04:09:29         25.378 Mph
80   Matt Stell           01:58:23   03:56:08         25.375 Mph
80   Ross Walton          01:51:38   04:11:18         25.375 Mph
81   Peter Perrin         01:54:00   04:06:12         25.343 Mph
82   Richard Howes        01:55:21   04:04:58         25.25 Mph
83   Adam Taylor          01:53:28   04:09:47         25.23 Mph
84   Iain Boardman        02:01:15   03:53:29         25.22 Mph
85   Paul Winchcombe      01:56:06   04:04:32         25.188 Mph
86   Stuart Proctor       01:56:12   04:05:03         25.151 Mph
87   Jon Longworth        02:02:50   03:52:00         25.143 Mph
88   Ben Keeley           01:59:38   03:58:05         25.139 Mph
89   Jim Duffy            01:53:39   04:11:24         25.132 Mph
90   Jon Knight           01:56:50   04:04:07         25.128 Mph
91   Oliver Mytton        02:02:13   03:55:02         25.037 Mph
92   Kenneth Brown        01:57:52   04:04:39         24.989 Mph
93   Eric Grill           01:52:48   04:16:54         24.976 Mph
94   Ian Lindsay          01:59:11   04:02:14         24.97 Mph
95   John Bradbury        02:00:26   04:00:01         24.954 Mph
96   James Elgar          01:56:36   04:08:40         24.929 Mph
97   Graham Giggs         01:54:52   04:12:53         24.922 Mph
98   Adrian Blacker       01:56:43   04:08:47         24.91 Mph
99   Simon Henderson      02:02:01   03:57:54         24.904 Mph
100   Jon Elliott         01:55:25   04:12:04         24.898 Mph
101   Steve Burrows       01:57:10   04:08:09         24.892 Mph
102   Stuart Hewlins      01:57:30   04:07:26         24.89 Mph
103   Andy Horner         02:02:44   03:56:55         24.884 Mph
103   Edward Renwick      02:00:40   04:00:54         24.884 Mph
104   David Hargreaves    01:55:37   04:12:11         24.87 Mph
105   Ben Houston         01:56:41   04:09:57         24.858 Mph
106   Simon Ward          01:52:34   04:20:19         24.85 Mph
107   paul holdsworth     01:55:07   04:14:34         24.815 Mph
108   Joel Natale         02:04:08   03:58:06         24.684 Mph
109   Tristian Manning    01:56:06   04:15:11         24.676 Mph
110   shaun williams      01:57:49   04:11:27         24.662 Mph
111   Rob Jones           01:53:41   04:21:43         24.657 Mph
111   Christopher O'Hearn 01:58:10   04:10:46         24.657 Mph
112   Chris Nudds         02:04:42   03:57:44         24.648 Mph
113   chris mather        01:54:07   04:21:42         24.608 Mph
114   tony may            02:01:38   04:04:26         24.605 Mph
115   stuart peckham      01:55:34   04:19:04         24.56 Mph
116   Ali Bailey          01:57:46   04:13:54         24.553 Mph
117   Mike O'Gorman       02:01:12   04:06:24         24.552 Mph
118   Sean Kennedy        01:57:35   04:14:42         24.535 Mph
119   Mark Jones          01:58:44   04:12:14         24.527 Mph
120   Stuart Hall         01:54:53   04:21:50         24.514 Mph
121   Gavin MacDougall               03:56:58         24.511 Mph
122   Matt Gibbons         01:58:21   04:13:59         24.486 Mph
123   Lyndon Thompson      01:56:22   04:19:17         24.461 Mph
124   Ray Claridge         01:53:48   04:26:02         24.458 Mph
125   Paul Targett         01:56:14   04:20:26         24.424 Mph
126   stewart pickard      01:52:51   04:30:07         24.398 Mph
127   Bryn Davies          02:00:55   04:10:19         24.39 Mph
128   Phil Willoughby      01:59:30   04:13:27         24.389 Mph
129   Chris Edmondson      01:58:21   04:16:56         24.35 Mph
130   Ian Haddock          01:59:24   04:14:44         24.34 Mph
131   Graham Laws          01:52:33   04:33:11         24.309 Mph
132   James Stewart        02:00:17   04:13:29         24.306 Mph
133   David Wright         02:01:16   04:11:55         24.278 Mph
134   Gregory Woodford                03:52:12   272   24.273 Mph
135   John Glaysher        01:59:10   04:16:45         24.272 Mph
136   Mark Brock           01:59:30   04:16:18         24.257 Mph
137   Noah Knock           02:09:51   03:56:13         24.252 Mph
138   david robinson       02:01:42   04:12:18         24.216 Mph
139   Simon Trehearn       02:01:34   04:13:47         24.16 Mph
140   Garry Drew           01:52:23             259    24.146 Mph
140   Duncan Orme          02:02:07   04:12:54         24.146 Mph
141   Shane Davies         01:56:21   04:26:37         24.144 Mph
142   John Watson          02:01:12   04:14:59         24.142 Mph
143   Tim Beardmore        02:00:14   04:17:12         24.14 Mph
144   Andrew Hall          01:53:15              261   24.13 Mph
145   John Marinko         02:01:02   04:16:05         24.108 Mph
146   Kevin Larmer         02:01:47   04:14:34         24.102 Mph
147   paul russell         02:02:09   04:13:48         24.1 Mph
148   John Thelwell        02:05:10   04:07:50         24.089 Mph
149   David Hampton        02:00:36   04:18:57         24.023 Mph
150   Steve hall           02:03:07   04:13:26         24.021 Mph
151   Derek Dowdeswell     02:00:45   04:19:19         23.991 Mph
152   Mick Black           02:01:49   04:17:00         23.987 Mph
153   Rick Perkins         02:02:52   04:15:04         23.97 Mph
154   Andrew Henderson     01:56:28   04:30:42         23.962 Mph
155   Trevor Gornall       02:01:24   04:18:33         23.959 Mph
156   Stephen Morgan       02:02:04   04:17:16         23.949 Mph
157   David Clements       02:03:04   04:15:20         23.938 Mph
158   Arthur Winstanley    02:01:53   04:18:20         23.92 Mph
159   Simon Dighton        01:59:37   04:23:43         23.916 Mph
160   Kenneth Brown        02:03:34   04:14:49         23.912 Mph
161   Tom Cox              01:58:46   04:26:03         23.906 Mph
162   carl stephens        02:10:23   04:02:13         23.89 Mph
163   James Darren Gough   01:58:13           266      23.791 Mph
164   Steven Drew          02:01:08   04:23:07         23.785 Mph
165   Alan Orme            02:05:29   04:13:55         23.769 Mph
166   Danny McCabe         02:03:27   04:18:35         23.752 Mph
167   Chris Fishbourne     01:57:11   04:35:52         23.675 Mph
167   Rhys Jones           01:57:16   04:35:39         23.675 Mph
168   Adam Laycock         02:02:14   04:23:10         23.671 Mph
169   Jonathan Goh         02:05:54   04:15:14         23.668 Mph
170   Thomas Platts        02:01:03   04:26:05         23.666 Mph
171   ray retter           02:04:55   04:17:36         23.654 Mph
172   Phil Lee             02:02:50   04:23:02         23.617 Mph
173   Philip Knupfer       02:02:42   04:23:41         23.602 Mph
174   Barrie Whittaker     02:04:38   04:19:48         23.583 Mph
175   John Morgan          01:57:38   04:37:54         23.547 Mph
176   Mike Jones           02:02:38   04:25:16         23.541 Mph
177   Craig Nilsson        02:03:07   04:24:11         23.539 Mph
178   Bartlomiej Holda     02:02:47   04:25:15         23.527 Mph
179   Matthew Evans        02:02:22   04:26:51         23.5 Mph
180   Ian Garbett          01:57:46             257    23.476 Mph
181   CHRIS COOK           02:00:35   04:31:52         23.474 Mph
182   Ronan O'Cualain      02:03:54   04:25:58         23.386 Mph
183   Neil Jones           02:04:39   04:24:37         23.371 Mph
184   adrian Stott         02:05:48   04:23:13         23.321 Mph
185   Phillip Knell        02:02:37   04:30:35         23.32 Mph
186   Duncan Coulter       02:09:03   04:16:36         23.315 Mph
187   David Tabron         02:02:44   04:30:32         23.311 Mph
188   stewart moore        02:03:29   04:29:42         23.271 Mph
189   Luke Smith           02:05:55   04:24:20         23.262 Mph
190   Neil Hornett         02:10:58   04:14:50         23.226 Mph
191   Colin Woollard       02:06:03   04:25:03         23.219 Mph
192   Matthew Dewhurst     02:05:35   04:26:56         23.183 Mph
193   Andy Robinson        02:06:52   04:24:21         23.172 Mph
194   Shaun Teasdale       01:59:40   04:42:15         23.164 Mph
195   Daniel Mathers       01:57:52             250    23.161 Mph
196   Phil Gayes           02:06:31   04:27:06         23.088 Mph
196   stephen taylor       01:58:49   04:46:43         23.088 Mph
197   Michael Newman       02:06:48   04:28:46         22.992 Mph
198   Ed Middleton         02:09:27   04:23:20         22.98 Mph
199   Jason killiner       02:04:26   04:34:42         22.976 Mph
200   Paul Savage          02:06:46   04:31:20         22.889 Mph
201   Gary Martin          02:09:14   04:25:57         22.887 Mph
202   Richard Anderson     02:18:11   04:09:39         22.872 Mph
203   Andrew Rees          02:05:01   04:35:55         22.871 Mph
204   Julian Claxton       02:09:42   04:25:28         22.866 Mph
205   simon howard         02:09:37   04:26:24         22.834 Mph
206   derek mcmillan                  04:15:42   264   22.762 Mph
207   Roy Flanagan         01:59:19   04:54:36         22.755 Mph
208   Barry Tooke          02:06:59   04:34:33         22.74 Mph
209   Ian Hobley           02:11:16   04:25:41         22.719 Mph
210   Murray Taylor        02:06:04   04:39:06         22.647 Mph
211   Guy Evans            02:04:05   04:45:09         22.609 Mph
212   Nicholas Long        02:09:58   04:31:11         22.604 Mph
213   Mark Howlett         02:07:49   04:36:12         22.597 Mph
214   Michael Fry          02:04:40   04:44:43         22.569 Mph
215   richard witney       02:00:28             242    22.537 Mph
216   Adam Brown           02:09:54   04:33:11         22.529 Mph
217   Michael Henley       02:05:34   04:43:32         22.527 Mph
218   Byron Buck           02:09:43   04:34:26         22.495 Mph
219   Rob Wild             02:08:41   04:37:06         22.483 Mph
220   Roy Cuppelditch      02:15:19   04:23:39         22.464 Mph
221   Nathan Miles         02:08:47   04:37:34         22.456 Mph
222   Paul Watson          02:11:44   04:31:23         22.441 Mph
223   Paul Blackburn       02:01:40      242.48      22.432 Mph
224   John Cornfield       02:16:52   04:22:59         22.367 Mph
225   Chris Broad-Drake    02:14:54   04:27:39         22.328 Mph
226   Jon Wiggins          02:03:21   04:56:46         22.269 Mph
227   Gareth Hill          02:10:21   04:39:01         22.26 Mph
228   cliff voller         02:08:12   04:47:44         22.127 Mph
229   Mark Livingston      02:13:30   04:36:01         22.105 Mph
230   ANDREW BROOKFIELD    02:09:47   04:45:37         22.061 Mph
231   Andrew Weighill      02:08:31   04:48:52         22.057 Mph
232   Robert Jones         02:11:11   04:42:37         22.049 Mph
233   Jason Pritchard      02:14:34   04:35:19         22.043 Mph
234   Keith Sibbald        02:09:51   04:46:43         22.015 Mph
235   Adrian Killworth     02:11:06   04:45:20         21.956 Mph
236   Steven Forrest       02:19:57   04:26:58         21.955 Mph
237   Simon Williams       02:14:31   04:38:54         21.908 Mph
238   phillip turner       02:10:53   04:48:09         21.872 Mph
239   Glenn Karpeta        02:19:46   04:29:23         21.869 Mph
240   David Gostelow       02:15:00   04:39:18         21.852 Mph
241   Mark Amon            02:12:44   04:44:22         21.851 Mph
242   Robbie Harcourt      02:10:31   04:49:51         21.843 Mph
243   JP Pretorius         02:12:17   04:45:41         21.84 Mph
244   Neil Laing           02:14:07   04:42:32         21.802 Mph
245   Richard Parrotte     02:08:32      241.59        21.736 Mph
246   Mike Potter          02:15:28   04:41:38         21.725 Mph
247   Paul Cre             02:09:41      243.69        21.72 Mph
248   Dominic Noone        02:10:31   04:53:23         21.718 Mph
249   Geoff Thomas         02:09:40   04:57:03         21.667 Mph
250   Chris Goode          02:10:03   04:58:09         21.596 Mph
251   Nick Hickman         02:17:06   04:43:55         21.507 Mph
252   Lee Ibbitson         02:03:42      223.57        21.442 Mph
253   Lee Anderton         02:29:43   04:22:57         21.428 Mph
254   Edward Baldwin       02:11:47   04:59:27         21.401 Mph
255   David Drew           02:14:54   04:53:14         21.35 Mph
256   Jon Fairclough       02:22:42   04:37:12         21.334 Mph
256   Patrick Martin       02:11:17   05:02:47         21.334 Mph
257   Donald Field                    04:34:11   249   21.32 Mph
258   Paul Haig            02:12:50   04:59:15         21.317 Mph
259   Sam Tomkins          02:11:20   05:06:07         21.221 Mph
260   Jimmy Froggatt       02:14:30      239.85        21.146 Mph
261   Vince Evans          02:17:39   04:53:11         21.13 Mph
262   David Golden         02:22:56   04:42:12         21.125 Mph
262   Ian Hawkins          02:15:36   04:58:07         21.125 Mph
263   Graham Jones                    04:34:20   244   21.114 Mph
264   Barry Williams       02:16:42   04:56:14         21.1 Mph
265   Ricki Morgan         02:11:27   05:11:33         21.04 Mph
266   Vince Freeman        02:22:58   04:46:09         20.976 Mph
267   David Wilson         02:16:53   05:00:59         20.926 Mph
268   Liam Kwan            02:13:54   05:08:34         20.925 Mph
269   Philip Thomas        02:13:18   05:10:11         20.924 Mph
270   Shaun Griffiths      02:10:39      225.19        20.864 Mph
271   Steve Cornish        02:21:40   04:52:06         20.859 Mph
272   John Mankelow        02:19:18   04:57:57         20.837 Mph
273   Nigel Briggs         02:14:05      228.465       20.706 Mph
274   Raymond Bell         02:16:55   05:07:54         20.699 Mph
275   Murray Kirton        02:20:17   05:06:54         20.468 Mph
276   stephen littlewood   02:25:30   04:57:29         20.394 Mph
277   Richard Claxton      02:30:01   04:48:57         20.381 Mph
278   Alan Peter Meinhardt 02:25:11   05:01:09         20.294 Mph
279   Lez Young (Tricycle) 02:21:21   05:11:22         20.247 Mph
280   Ian Hawkins          02:12:37      213.14        20.192 Mph
281   Harry Haseley        02:28:16   05:01:47         20.058 Mph
282   Hector Kidds                    04:58:02   234   19.841 Mph
283   Mark Lansdown        02:21:06              220   19.825 Mph
284   Cliff Matthews                  04:57:45   232   19.758 Mph
285   Noel Toone           02:14:47              206   19.727 Mph
286   Gary Lawton          02:43:07   04:47:39         19.625 Mph
287   Richard Claxton      02:22:21              213   19.423 Mph
288   Romeo Rossetti       02:40:16   04:58:48         19.4 Mph
289   nigel Hurst                     04:56:46   220   19.284 Mph
290   John Hassall         02:27:36   05:31:13         19.22 Mph
291   Paul Butler          02:32:13   05:27:05         19.026 Mph
292   Chris Parker         02:28:59   05:36:14         18.991 Mph
293   Dave Pemberton                   05:01:39   215  18.924 Mph
294   Alec Mayes          02:28:22   05:43:38          18.84 Mph
295   John Howells        02:35:47   05:32:01          18.664 Mph
296   Chris Close                    04:45:25     185  18.232 Mph
297   Bob Awcock                     05:13:44     206  18.179 Mph
298   Paul Tunnell        02:23:22                173  17.708 Mph
299   Alec Mayes                     05:27:03     200  17.529 Mph
300   David Steel                    05:26:11     186  16.964 Mph
301   Michael COULTER                05:43:09     195  16.896 Mph
302   Trevor Halstead                05:43:28     193  16.816 Mph
303   peter Holland                  06:11:10     188  15.953 Mph
304   BoB Symons                     06:32:21     172  14.82 Mph
305   Michael Fountain               06:52:42     179 14.766 Mph






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