The Q & A – Its winter so get involved!

It is winter (near enough!) and time to have a little fun with the end of season Q & A’s

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

The Q & A – Its winter so get involved!

It is winter (near enough!) and time to have a little fun with the end of season Q & A’s. Two options, one inspired by the Q & A from our friends at Primera Sports and the other one I did earlier. During the winter, we will have lots of interviews but we want everyone to get involved, from Elite to the proper grass roots so have a go and email to us with a picture …


Q&A – 1 (The Quickie)

Favourite Movie?
Favourite Food?
Favourite Song?
Favourite training session?
Favourite place to ride?
Pre race meal?
Post race meal?
Train alone or in a group?
Turbo or road?
Bar or gel?
Tea or coffee?
Long socks or short?
Bath or shower?
Dog or cat?
Costa or Starbucks?
Guilty pleasure?
Shaved legs or waxed?
Prefered discipline?
If you could change one thing about the sport, what would it be?
Best performance in 2017?
What is the most valuable thing you learnt from the 2017 season?
Main goal for 2018?
What will you bring to your club/team for 2018?

Q&A – 2 (the BLT of Q&As)
1. Full time rider or do you have to juggle work with racing?
2. Highlight of 2017 was?
3. Most difficult moment of 2017?
4. Most enjoyable race of 2017
5. Toughest race of 2017
6. Typical week training mid season Mon – Fri (summary or detailed)
7. Most dreaded drill/session in training
8. Its interval day – turbo or out in the fresh air?
9. Winter is here – what type of ride do you do for your base rides?
10. What bike will you race on in 2018 and why this bike?
11. What will the goals be for 2018?
12. Finally, if you could pick one event to win in 2017 which one would it be?

Just for the Testers ;-)
1. TT – favourite distance
2. What training drill has helped you most go faster in time trials
3. Fastest course you rode in 2017?
4. Dragstrip or sporting circuit course?





Send your results as well as club, team & event news here


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