Q&A: Alex Collins (Primera-TeamJobs)

Alex Collins (Primera-TeamJobs) is another racer that’s taken the VeloUK question and answer challenge …

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Q&A: Alex Collins (Primera-TeamJobs)

Alex says the best thing about the team “is how tight knit it is and that everyone looks out for each other”. Here is his Q & A:

1. How did you get into cycling?
Alex: I got into cycling after the 2012 Tour de France. Before that I was into water sports. I’d come in from sailing around the same time the Tour highlights were on and something about it captivated me so I thought I’d give it a go.

2. What’s your favourite discipline in cycling?
Alex: Definitely crits. I love a fast, tight circuit and bunch sprint. The crowds tend to be bigger as well, being in the city centre, which helps with motivation.

3. What is the best thing about bike racing?
Alex: Where do I even begin. I love everything about bike racing but if I had to pick a best bit it would probably be the excitement in those final few laps.

4. What was the highlight of 2016 for you and why?
Alex: The Isle of Wight randonnee in May. It’s just a really fun day out just enjoying riding a bike and messing about with mates. It’s my favourite event of the year.

5. What was your favourite/ most fun race of 2016?
Alex: Winchester Crit, I think it’s a great course, the weather was great and there was a massive crowd. It just made for really fun racing.

6. What was the toughest race of 2016 for you and why?
Alex: Probably one of the Portsmouth circuit races. It was the first race I did after getting my 2nd cat and I was just seriously unprepared for it, it was completely different to 3rd cat races.

7. If there was one thing you learned in 2016 to help you go faster/better, what was that?
Alex: Winter miles = summer smiles, it’s a saying I’d heard from some older riders but never really thought much of as a youth. However, last year, I did barely any miles, my training was almost completely track and turbo and that lack of endurance really hindered me last year.

8. What is the best piece of equipment (clothing/bike/gadget) to do with racing you are most proud of?
Alex: Definitely my bright orange S-works sub 6 shoes; they just look amazing.

9. What is your warm up routine for races – rollers or turbo? Music or no music?
Alex: Standard bc 20 minute roller warm up, definitely on rollers, turbo is too much hassle. No music, I prefer to talk to other riders.

10. Will you stay in the UK to prepare for next season during the winter or get in a training camp or two abroad to get in some serious miles?
Alex: I’m hoping to get out to Mallorca for a week but other than that I’ll be staying here.

11. When will you start training for 2017 and what comes first – long steady miles or a mix of miles and efforts?
Alex: I started training in October and, learning from last year, I do a lot more miles but I still mix it up with a bit of track.

12. What are the goals for 2017?
Alex: Hopefully some local road and circuit wins and just to be competitive in the junior national series.

13. Does winter training consist only of riding the bike or running/swimming/gym (cross training)?
Alex: Mainly riding but some gym work as well.

14. Finally, what have you learned over the years to best deal with the winter months on a bike?
Alex: You can always take layers off but you can’t put them on if you don’t bring them in the first place. It’s better to get too hot and have to take something off than get out there and realise you’re too cold.




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