Q&A: Dexter Gardias (BIKE Channel Canyon)

After a great 2016 in the mix at lots of races, Dexter Gardias of the new team BIKE Channel Canyon takes the Q & A

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Q&A: Dexter Gardias (BIKE Channel Canyon)

Dexter says of his signing for this 2016 DS, Tim Elverson at BIKE Channel Canyon, “I feel pretty lucky in all honesty. We live in turbulent times and lots of great riders without a job which makes you appreciate it a bit more I guess. The team has a long term plan and some fantastic sponsors. It looks like it will provide lots of opportunities to get stuck in!

1. What was the highlight of 2016 for you and why?
Dexter: The whole 2016 season was my best yet. I think it’s down to the team being pretty chilled so there are lots of great memories. Race wise, the National champs was a good day for me, just went with everything – like a dog on hot chips.

2. What was your favourite/most fun race of 2016
Dexter: Most fun was definitely the RAS, we had a sweet time.

3. What was the toughest race of 2016 for you and why?
Dexter: Ride London. I felt very average and ended up in the break.. I’d just done a week all inclusive in Greece and the WT boys just finished the Tour.. Needless to say I suffered LOTS

4. What is the best piece of equipment (clothing/bike/gadget) to do with racing you are proud of most?
Dexter: Not sure but I’m looking forward to getting on the Canyon bikes.

5. What is your warm up routine for races – rollers or turbo? Music or no music?
Dexter: I follow in Rhys Lloyds footsteps and warm up on the erg. Always with some tunes… I like to get my monies worth from Spotify.

6. What’s your favourite discipline on the road; road racing and/or crits (and why?)
Dexter: Road! I don’t mind a crit but they are not really my scene. I much prefer a big day out… Get off the front and just do what you want. Not a barrier in sight.

7. Will you stay in the UK to prepare for next season during the winter or get in a training camp or two abroad to get in some serious miles?
Dexter: I’m home until January then I think I’ll do a stint somewhere sunny. We then have a team camp in Feb.

8. When will you start training for 2017 and what comes first – long steady miles or a mix of miles and efforts?
Dexter: I started about a month ago! I now coach myself but usually it’s a good mix to keep it fresh.

9. What are the goals for 2017?
Dexter: To win something decent and help the younger lads win something decent.

10. How tough is it being a pro bike in the UK – what are the biggest challenges?
Dexter: It’s a fun bubble to be in with some graft along the way, but it’s fine when you see the improvements in yourself. The biggest challenges – Interviews, weather and the roadworks on the M1!




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