Report – Welwyn Friday Night Track League


Double for Mike Broadwith at the Welwyn Friday Night Track League on June 13 in Hertfordshire

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Report – Welwyn Friday Night Track League
(Thanks to Peter Waghorn)

Mike Broadwith won the opening 10 lap scratch and the 10 mile with his usual attacking style getting away on his own and time trialing to the finish. The closing 10 mile was enlivened by the Under 16 riders Michael Parry, Connor Woodford,Tom Durkin and Glen Dossett who decided that that this would be a good test of their form for the Youth Omnium event the following day. Glen took a hard earned 4th spot in the 10 mile.

The two 10 lap handicap events in which the group B senior riders were given a 260m start against the senior A riders produced two lively events – the group B riders won both events with some positive team work. A late burst by Mike Broadwith got him into third place in the race for even numbers.

Roger Woodford won the Group B 10 lap scratch and is now promoted to the A group

The number of riders in the three youth categories was affected by the following days Omnium event at Brighton. Matthew Ellis won all four of the Youth B events

Senior A
10 lap scratch – Mike Broadwith (Arctic TacX) Joe Gorman (Stevenage) Alex Anderson (Neon Velo)
10 lap Block AB Handicap (Odd numbers – Chris Burns (Welwyn) Ian Bibby (Finsbury Park) Julio Davis (Welwyn)
10 lap Block AB Handicap (Even numbers) – James McKay (Finchley RT) Roger Woodford (Willesden) Mike Broadwith (Arctic)
10 lap Points – Joe Gorman (Stevenage) Mike Broadwith (ArcticTacX) Alex Anderson (Neon Velo)
10 mile – Mike Broadwith (ArcticX) Joe Gorman (Stevenage) James McKay (Finchley RT), Glen Dossett (Welwyn)

Senior B
10 lap scratch – Roger Woodford (Willesden) Oliver Bates (Welwyn) Chris Burns (Welwyn)
Devil – Connor Woodford (Willesden) James McKay (Finchley RT) Tom Boulton (Finsbury Park)

Youth A
8lap scratch – Glen Dossett, Tom Durkin, Michael Parry (all Welwyn)
Devil – Glen Dossett, Michael Parry, Tom Durkin (all Welwyn)
6 lap Points – Glen Dossett, Michael Parry, Tom Durkin (all Welwyn)

Youth B
6 lap scratch – Matthew Ellis (Sherwood Pines) Louis Bilyard (Lea Valley) Christian Manzi (Welwyn)
Devil – Matthew Ellis (Sherwood Pines) Louis Bilyard (Lea valley) James Dene (Welwyn)
6 lap Points – Matthew Ellis (Sherwood Pines) James Dene (Welwyn) Louis Bilyard (Lea Valley)
6 lap Handicap – Matthew Ellis (Sherwood Pines) Madeleine Gammons (Bourne Whs) Jamie Dene (Welwyn)

Youth CDE
3 lap Scratch – Ollie Stockwell, Euan Woodliffe, Harry Towning (all Welwyn)
3 lap handicap A – Sam Gilbert (Hillingdon) Freya Butler (Welwyn) Caitlin Loveless (Hillingdon)
3 lap Handicap B – Sam Gilbert (Hillingdon) Harry Towning (Welwyn) Freya Butler (Welwyn)
4 lap Handicap – Freya Butler, Eaun Woodliffe, Ted Brett (all Welwyn)


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