News – 100 miles on Penny Farthings


Vintage Cyclists Alistair and Seb Cope completed an intriguing journey on Penny Farthings bicycles from Bristol to Exmouth over the Easter weekend

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

News – 100 miles on Penny Farthings….Every Penny Counts!

Vintage Cyclists Alistair and Seb Cope completed an intriguing journey on Penny Farthings bicycles from Bristol to Exmouth over the Easter weekend. Penny Farthings are iconic of the Victorian era; and as the first bicycles to be invented circa the 1880s, they heralded the beginning of cycling as a sport.

The 100 mile challenge called “Every Penny Counts” was organised in aid of Headway Devon, which provides respite care and rehabilitation for head injuries and traumas. Alistair Cope, of Velo Vintage, which is a company that organises vintage cycle events, said: “the bikes are beautiful machines to ride, with a unique elegance and sense of momentum to them, and although impractical in modern times due to a lack of gears and brakes, we completed the challenge safely and successfully, whilst raising awareness and collecting donations for funds for Headway Devon.

The riders started in Bristol and after a few cobbled streets, they were out of the city and into open countryside, passing through the Somerset Levels to Bridgwater and then along the Grand Western Canal to Tiverton, the final stage was to Exmouth via Exeter, exactly 100 miles.

Exmouth is the location for the 5th Ringtons Velo Vintage and bicycles and riders of all ages and styles can sign up for a full day of social cycling, great food & live music.



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