News: North West Cyclo Cross Association Prize Presentation


The NWCCA prize presentation is taking place on Sunday 19th January at Beacon Golf & Country Club after the final round of the season organised by St Helens CRC.

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

The presentation is free to attend and a Hot Buffet is being served – Hot Pot, Chips and Bread Rolls. Tickets for the buffet cost £6.50 and can be purchased from Rob Pugh. See the NWCCA website for further details:

We have to pay the venue a week before so tickets are on sale until 11th January. No tickets will be available to purchase on the day. All purchased tickets can be collected at signing on at the Beacon Country Park Cross event. A raffle with over £200’s worth of prizes is being held with prizes generously donated by Rouleur, Hope, Sport Sunday, Kuota UK, High on Bikes, Picton Cycles, Bikes You Like and Remerx Wheels.


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