Young Ross King of Schils Interbike wins round 10 of the TLI – Ciclos Uno North Weald Handicap Series on July 5th
 Main Handicap Race
1st Ross King Schils Interbike JUV 1hr
2nd Billy-Joe Whenman Whyte Bikes ESP @20 sec
3rd James Jackson RG Active ESP @25 Seconds
4th Joe Giggings Twenty3C-Orbea ESP S.T.
5th Chris Bulley  S.T.
6th Michael Rostoff Chelmer CCÂ S.T.
7th Murat Ozdenya  S.T.
8th Tom Yiagov n/a S.T.
9th David Boakes Harlow CCÂ S.T.
10th Ed Spurgeon E S.T.
Over 65’s Race
1st Trevor Mills Ford CC F
2nd Tim Elsdale PCA Ciclos Uno F
3rd Chaz Wilde F