CDNW Youth League Round 2

Blackpool Cycle Circuit – 16th April, CDNW Youth League Round 2 at the brand new Blackpool circuit. We were treated to some great racing on this fast new circuit. A big thanks to the Blackpool Youth Cycling Association for the refreshments and to all the officials and helpers

Please click the link for a selection of photos I took through out the racing

Under 16
1st Matt Flynn Saly Ayre Cog Set 2nd 49 1st 50 99
2nd Sam Birchall Velocity 3 in 1 CNP 5th 46 2nd 49 95
3rd Ashley Clitheroe Red Rose Olympic 4th 47 5th 46 93
4th HENRY HUNTER Southport CC 7th 44 4th 47 91
5th Sean McGovern Sportcity Velo 3rd 48 8th 43 91
6th Christian Braybrooke Velocity 3 in 1 CNP 1st 50 10th 41 91
7th Gwyn Lovibond Rhyl CC 9th 42 3rd 48 90
8th Robert Richardson Bolton Hot Wheels CC 6th 45 6th 45 90
9th Struan Mcinnes North midlands youth squad 12th 39 7th 44 83
10th Aaron Adamson Bolton Hot Wheels 10th 41 9th 42 83
11th Mitchell Cross Mossley CRT 8th 43 11th 40 83
12th Jacob Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 11th 40 12th 39 79
13th Amy Gornall Cycle Sport Pendle 14th 37 13th 38 75
14th Joe Westwood Red Rose Olympic CC 13th 38 14th 37 75
15th Connor French Cycle Sport Pendle 15th 36 15th 36 72
16th Jess Atkinson Salt Ayre Cog Set 16th 35 17th 34 69
17th Gareth Williams Bolton Hot Wheels 18th 33 16th 35 68
18th Sam Baldwin Salt Ayre Cog Set 17th 34 18th 33 67

1st  Thomas Rotherham Sportcity Velo 2nd 49 1st 50 99
2nd  Fabian Brennan Salt Ayre Cog Set 1st 50 2nd 49 99
3rd  John Didsbury Salt Ayre Cogset 4th 47 3rd 48 95
4th  Alexander Foster Border City Wheelers 3rd 48 5th 46 94
5th  Ryan McGillick mossley crt 5th 46 4th 47 93
6th  Sam Ross Beacon Wheelers 6th 45 6th 45 90
7th  Paige Milward Lyme RC 8th 43 8th 43 86
8th  Alexander Braybrooke Velocity 3in1,CNP 11th 40 7th 44 84
9th  Harry Craig Border City Wheelers 9th 42 9th 42 84
10th Ellis Kirkbride Border City Wheelers 7th 44 11th 40 84
11th  Matthew Walls Velocity 3in1,CNP 10th 41 12th 39 80
12th  Adam Hartley Eastlands Velo 15th 36 10th 41 77
13th  Joseph Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 13th 38 14th 37 75
14th  Thomas Figgins Bolton Hot Wheels CC 14th 37 15th 36 73
15th  Jonathan Wong Salt ayre cogset 17th 34 13th 38 72
16th  Jessica Wilkinson Birkenhead North End CC 16th 35 16th 35 70
17th  Bill Cooper Red Rose Olympic 18th 33 17th 34 67
18th  Sam Atkinson Salt Ayre Cog Set 24th 27 19th 32 59
19th  Joseph Baldwin Salt Ayre Cogset 23rd 28 20th 31 59
20th  Bailey Payne Cycle Sport Pendle 20th 31 23rd 28 59
21st  Caitlin Flynn Saly Ayre Cog Set 19th 32 25th 26 58
22nd  Elliot Webb Manchester Triathlon Club 25th 26 21st 30 56
23rd  Reece Player mossley crt 22nd 29 24th 27 56
24th  Harry French Cycle Sport Pendle 21st 30 26th 25 55
25th  Sam Monkhouse saly ayre cog set 26th 25 22nd 29 54
26th  Harry Lynagh BYCA 27th 24 27th 24 48
27th  Bethan Abra Salt Ayre Cog Set 28th 23 28th 23 46
28th  Joely Side Bolton Hot Wheels CC 31st 20 29th 22 42
29th  Helena Preece Red Rose Olympic 29th 22 31st 20 42
30th  Maddy Deane Eastlands Velo 32nd 19 30th 21 40
31st  Rosa Martin Blackpool Youth Cycling Assoc 30th 21 32nd 19 40
32nd  James Thompson Liverpool Mercury 12th 39 DNF 1 40

1st  Brad Dransfield NMYC 2nd 49 1st 50 99
2nd  Joseph Armstrong Border City Wheelers 1st 50 4th 47 97
3rd  Nathan Hawthorn Cycle Sport Pendle 4th 47 2nd 49 96
4th  Simon Howlett border city wheelers 3rd 48 5th 46 94
5th  Samuel Rathbone eastlands velo 8th 43 3rd 48 91
6th  Lewis Hartley Eastlands Velo 5th 46 6th 45 91
7th  Solomon Kerfoot-Robson Rhos on Sea CC 7th 44 8th 43 87
8th  Matthew Braybrooke Eastlands Velo 6th 45 9th 42 87
9th  Kim Baptista 9th 42 7th 44 86
10th  Andrew Hathaway Bolton Hot Wheels cc 10th 41 10th 41 82
11th  Cameron Hirst salt ayre cog set 12th 39 12th 39 78
12th  Tom Stewart Southport CC 11th 40 13th 38 78
13th  Alistair Lievers BYCA 16th 35 11th 40 75
14th  Adam Riley Salt Ayre 13th 38 14th 37 75
15th  George Atwood salt ayre cog set 15th 36 15th 36 72
16th  Tyla Loftus Salt Ayre Cog Set 14th 37 16th 35 72
17th  Sam Hollingworth Red Rose Olympic 18th 33 17th 34 67
18th  Jack Barlow CSP Pendle 19th 32 18th 33 65
19th  Liam Zwetschnikow Lyme RC 21st 30 19th 32 62
20th  Jack Mitchell BYCA 20th 31 20th 31 62
21st  Lewis Tonge bolton hot wheels 22nd 29 21st 30 59
22nd  India Brennan Salt Ayre Cog Set 23rd 28 22nd 29 57
23rd  Keighlie Holt BYCA 24th 27 23rd 28 55
24th  Georgia Savory Eastlands Velo 17th 34 DNF 1 35

1st  Matthew Egglestone Border City Wheelers 1st 50 1st 50 100
2nd  Johnny Bouch Border City Wheelers 2nd 49 2nd 49 98
3rd  Addam Hathaway Bolton Hot Wheels cc 3rd 48 3rd 48 96
4th  Anna Armstrong Border City Wheelers 4th 47 4th 47 94
5th  Isaac Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 5th 46 5th 46 92
6th  Tyler Koch bolton hot wheels 6th 45 6th 45 90
7th  Max Weston Bolton Hot Wheels 9th 42 7th 44 86
8th  Alife Payne Cycle Sport Pendle 8th 43 8th 43 86
9th  Amy Monkhouse salt ayre cog set 7th 44 9th 42 86
10th  Nicole Clarke Port Sunlight Wheelers 11th 40 10th 41 81
11th  Eve Martin Blackpool Youth Cycling Assoc 10th 41 11th 40 81
12th  Alex Lamb Bolton Hot Wheels 12th 39 12th 39 78
13th  Matthew Wearing BYCA 16th 35 13th 38 73
14th  Chloe Loftus Salt Ayre Cog Set 15th 36 14th 37 73
15th  Grace Attwood Salt Ayre Cog Set 13th 38 16th 35 73
16th  Oliva Braybrooke eastlands velo 14th 37 19th 32 69
17th  Joseph Rathbone eastlands velo 19th 32 15th 36 68
18th  Xavier Brennan Salt Ayre Cog Set 17th 34 17th 34 68
19th  Luke Sheperd BYCA 18th 33 18th 33 66

1st  Benjamin Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 2nd 49 1st 50 99
2nd  Matthew Baptista Eastlands velo 1st 50 2nd 49 99
3rd  Daniel Neil Davies Border City Wheelers 4th 47 3rd 48 95
4th  Joe Stewart Southport CC 3rd 48 4th 47 95
5th  Sam Kendall BC Private Member 5th 46 5th 46 92
6th  Adam Mitchell BYCA 6th 45 DNF 1 46
7th  Charles Owen Davies Border City Wheelers 7th 44 DNF 1 45

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